Friday, January 25, 2013

Review: BOB Revolution SE Duallie

Also on - Published November 11, 2011
I still agree with everything I wrote originally

After six months of use as a full time nanny:

- Super easy to push, even with toddlers
- Turns on a dime
- Amazing shade
- Waterproof material
- Front lockable swivel wheel for jogging/tough terrain
- Peekaboo windows, but with loud velcro
- 5pt harness
- (just barely) fits through standard doorways

- Heavy, heavy, HEAVY!!! Do not expect to be easily whipping this stroller around, it weighs a ton.
- The fold is huge, which is to be expected with this type of stroller, but makes it hard to fit in a standard sized car. Between the weight and size of the fold, it is hard to carry it up or down even a few stairs.
- It is a three part fold that requires two hands, esp annoying when you have a baby old enough to sit in the seat but not old enough to sit completely unassisted on the sidewalk
- The handlebar is not adjustable. I am tall, so this is particularly annoying to me. It's not too bad while you are running though.
- The basket is big, but it is hard to get anything big in it. There is a strap that goes right in between the two seats which makes fitting a medium to large diaper bag in it hard, and ridiculous to try and maneuver out while you are squatting on the ground in a foot of snow
- No adjustable footrest. The slope down is fine, but I imagine this will be uncomfortable when the littler one hits 12 months. Also it goes into a V, this is annoying for my tall 26mo old who has to keep his legs moved sideways or stick one leg over the side.
- Although I love the canopies, when only one section is open the material of the other one hangs down to block my 26mo old's view or not let him rest his head depending on which section is closed
- Tall 26 month old is already getting too tall. He has room to canopy top, but not on the seat back.
- Manual strap recline - super annoying, but versatile
- It has a shock system, but it makes the stroller incredibly bouncy, so the bumps are not hard, but they do shake your kids silly

BUY IT: if you live in a rural area and can just roll it into your garage, you want to jog with your two kids (both at LEAST 6mo old, best if 12mo and up), or you frequently encounter rough terrain with wide paths.

DO NOT BUY: if you have big children, live in an urban area, or have to carry it over more than four stairs

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! It's incredibly informative and thoughtfully written.

    I own this double bob and its single cousin. I live in NYC and find it the perfect stroller for an urban area. The subway doors have closed on it and just bounced off thanks to its strong frame. Because of the large wheels, I can turn it around backwards and "bounce" it up and down stairs. I find a heavier stroller with great wheels much more practical for stairs than the lightest of lightweight strollers. The reason being: I can't even lift a 7 pound stroller up stairs (with baby plus diaper bag, the total is at least 20 pounds), but I can bounce a sturdy stroller with shocks. I've had 3 kids and lived all over the place. I choose bob over quinny and Mclaren any day!
